sábado, marzo 10, 2007


Tennesse Williams entrando al funeral de Dylan Thomas

Esta fotografía muestra al famoso escritor, Tennessee Williams, entrando al funeral del gran poeta galés, Dylan Thomas en Noviembre del 1953.
La están subastando en Ebay.

"My birthday began with the water Birds and the birds of the winged trees flying my nameAbove the farms and the white horsesAnd I roseIn rainy autumnAnd walked abroad in a shower of all my days"
Poem in October de Dylan Thomas

"I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell truths. I tell what ought to be truth"
Blanche DuBois de A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.


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